Challenge Participants in Guilford County Share Their Experiences

We asked a few teachers and students in Guildford County Schools – the first group of middle schools to take and complete the Challenge – to share their thoughts on what it’s like to participate.

8th Grade Teacher:

  1. Share a favorite moment from the Challenge so far. A student thanking several others for being kind to him.

8th Grade Student:

  1. So far, what has been your favorite Challenge activity and why? The class discussions. I liked hearing other people’s opinions.
  2. What is something new that you’ve learned through the Kindness Challenge? I think I’ve learned to be a better listener.

6th Grade Teacher:

  1. Why did you want to participate in the Challenge, and which Pathway did you (or your school) choose? Anytime there is an opportunity to build character I try to be involved. I loved the idea of a Kindness Challenge because many of our students love to do “challenges.” Sixth Grade chose Peer Relationships because it is perfect for our students who are trying to adjust to being in middle school.
  2. How have your students responded to the various Challenge activities? Which one has been most popular or successful? Overall, my students were very positive and enjoyed the lessons. Their favorite was “Group Jump.”
  3. What do you hope to get out of the Kindness Challenge? I hoped to promote more patience and tolerance among the students. They get so frustrated sometimes and speak so negatively. I hope (and think that they did) take away that kindness is not just about being “nice” to your friends. It’s about listening and helping others in the way they need it most.

6th Grade Student:

  1. Were you excited to take part in the Kindness Challenge? Why or why not? I was not excited about it. I didn’t think there was anything new to learn about being kind.
  2. So far, what has been your favorite Challenge activity and why? The Group Jump for all. It was active (out of our seats, and we could laugh and talk).
  3. What is something new that you’ve learned through the Kindness Challenge? The Kindness Challenge helped me see that there is more in people than what they show. And I want to see that in more people.

Other 6th Grade Students:

  1. What is something new that you’ve learned through the Kindness Challenge? The Kindness Challenge helped me learn that kindness means patience.
  2. What is something new that you’ve learned through the Kindness Challenge? I think we should still do the Kindness Challenge, but it has not changed my definition of kindness. All this has done is supported my definition, and that definition is treat others the way you want to be treated.
  3. What is something new that you’ve learned through the Kindness Challenge? The Kindness Challenge has helped me be more patient with my classmates and to respect others’ opinions.